616 research outputs found

    Relación entre conocimiento y actitud del Odontólogo en pacientes que consumen bifosfonatos en el Hospital Nacional de Policía 2017

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    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre elconocimiento y la actitud del odontólogo en el manejo de pacientes que consumen bifosfonatos en el Hospital Nacional de la Policía Nacional Del Perú el año 2017, para esto se utilizó estadístico Coeficiente de Correlación R de Pearson. El resultado de la investigación mostróque no existe correlación alguna de las variables (r= 0.02). Lo cual interpretaremos que el Conocimiento científico no guarda relación con la Actitud del Odontólogo en Pacientes que Consumen BifosfonatosSe sugiere a la comunidad odontológica efectuar acciones estratégicas de gestión para capacitar sobre el uso de bifosfonatos en odontología al profesional que labora en la División de Estomatología del Hospital Central de la Policía.Tesi

    Health monitoring of renewable energy systems

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    The offshore wind energy industry has grown exponentially; globally, there is 12GW of installed capacity of offshore wind, of which over 95% has been installed in the past ten years. Access and maintenance in offshore wind farms can be difficult and considerably more expensive than onshore wind farms. Additionally, with low availability levels and greater downtime due to failures, there is a growing interest in the optimisation of operation and maintenance (O&M) activities to maximise profitability. Traditionally, maintenance activities on critical components and subsystems have deployed two maintenance approaches; time-based preventative or corrective. Time-based preventative or scheduled maintenance approaches are based on intervening at fixed intervals, determined in advance for each component. Scheduling is based on failure statistics such as mean time between failures (MTBF), mean time to repair (MTTR) or mean time to failure (MTTF). These come either from publicly available databases or operational measurements. As part of preventive maintenance activities, there are annual services of the turbine to replace and maintain any component or assembly based on manufacturers’ indications. On the other hand, the corrective maintenance approach involves operating equipment until it fails and then restoring it, repairing it, or replacing it. Due to conservative estimates regarding the probability of failure, preventive and corrective maintenance approaches have financial implications associated with them. In the preventive approach, components are frequently replaced before they reach the end of their working life. In contrast, corrective maintenance guarantees that the serviceable life of a component is maximised, but it is subjected to long downtime, which is expensive regarding energy generation loss. Additionally, failure of the component may cause consequential damage to other parts of the wind turbine system, resulting in even greater repair costs, downtime and loss of revenue. A comprehensive literature review has been undertaken in the areas of maintenance, turbine reliability, turbine failure modes and causes, physics of failure, condition monitoring techniques, and costs. The limitations and disadvantages of current operation and maintenance practices are identified, and new approaches combining the knowledge of the condition of components and historical data are proposed and compared to achieve optimal turbine availability and maintenance cost reduction. A Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) was performed for the functional modes of each system, subsystem, assembly and component following the British standard BS EN 60812:2006. Currently, the most common offshore wind turbine uses three blades, a 3-stage gearbox, induction generator and a fully rated power converter. The Siemens 3.6MW -120 turbine is selected for this project as an example of this configuration. The main objectives of undertaking this comprehensive FMEA are to identify critical components and their failures with significant impact on the wind turbine operation in terms of maintainability, safety and availability. The assessment identified 500 components and almost 1000 failure causes. The most critical assemblies identified in terms of severity, occurrence and undetectability of the failure are; the frequency converter, pitch system, yaw system and gearbox. The implementation of a condition-based maintenance philosophy, including the development of real predictive approaches which estimate the remaining useful life of degrading critical components has been analysed by the recent literature. However, developing such capabilities for the critical assemblies identified is a significant technical challenge. This study aims to develop and demonstrate the implementation of a methodology and appropriate algorithms to optimise O&M of offshore wind farms, by estimating the remaining useful life of critical components with greater accuracy using a combination of physics-based models, statistical-based models and data mining approaches. A register of trends and likely the main causes of failures of the power converter, gearbox, yaw system and pitch system was generated through a thorough literature search and participation in conferences and workshops during the project. The main sources of failure of the power converter and gearbox have been represented by algorithms and physics-based models developed in Python and proprietary software, respectively. These algorithms comprise two phases: diagnosis or learning phase using historical data (such as SCADA or digital information recorded by condition monitoring systems) and prognosis phase using simulated data (using as a basis the wind turbine aero-elastic software FASTv8). The pitch system failure mechanisms were explored using a combination of data mining approaches and subject matter expert knowledge. Examples of approaches investigated and implemented include: Support Vector Machine (SVM) to define normal behaviour and K Nearest Neighbour (KNN) to classify new observations regarding operation state (green for normal operation, amber for abnormal operation, red for failure). New observations with amber or red colours need to be analysed further, to diagnose potential failure modes using a decision tree algorithm with more variables related to the pitch system. The goals of developing a well-defined strategy for maintenance interventions and optimised management of wind farm logistics are required to effectively improve wind farm availability while reducing the cost of operations. Additionally, a clear identification of uncertainties inherent in stochastic processes, necessary for estimating access, failure prognosis and failure probabilities is required for operators to make informed decisions. The final output of this work is an O&M cost model which analyses and compares a conventional O&M strategy using a combination of preventive and reactive maintenance against an O&M strategy using the approaches described above for failure prognosis and diagnosis. The analysis is performed for a fictitious offshore wind farm with one-year operational data. The results include availability, downtime, the cost of repair, loss of production, revenue losses and the hidden CO2 emissions of the maintenance activities taking into account a combined probability level to account for the uncertainties

    Análisis de la integridad pública en los ministerios del Poder Ejecutivo

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    El Estado peruano ha venido implementando acciones para la lucha contra la corrupción, entre ellas, la Política Nacional de Integridad y Lucha contra la Corrupción, la cual tiene como política general la de contar con instituciones transparentes e íntegras que practican y promueven la probidad en el ámbito público, sector empresarial y la sociedad civil; para dicho fin, esta política se organiza en 3 ejes, las cuales son: i) la capacidad preventiva del Estado frente a los actos de corrupción, ii) la identificación y gestión de riesgos, y iii) la capacidad sancionadora del Estado frente a los actos de corrupción

    Condiciones sociolaborales y satisfacción del trabajo de los servidores públicos en la Municipalidad Distrital de Orurillo - 2019

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la influencia de las condiciones sociolaborales en la satisfacción del trabajo de los servidores públicos en la Municipalidad distrital de Orurillo en 2019; la investigación se desarrolló en el enfoque cuantitativo a través de técnica de la encuesta con escala de satisfacción tipo Liker y su instrumento en el formato respectivo, con dos componentes: la primera referida a la variable condiciones sociolaborales y la segunda concerniente a la variable satisfacción del trabajo; el nivel es descriptivo explicativo para el análisis de la satisfacción laboral; el diseño de investigación corresponde al tipo correlacional de corte transversal para determinar la relación entre variables en estudio; las hipótesis específicas se verificó mediante la prueba chi cuadrado de Pearson, cuyos resultados evidencian que, 11 variables muestran un valor de significancia menor a 0.05, que indica que existe asociación entre las variables en estudio. Las variables estado civil, sexo, identidad, motivación y condiciones laborales tienen influencia en la satisfacción del trabajo de los servidores con la atención a usuarios, con la relación interpersonal con sus compañeros y el liderazgo de su jefe, con el horario de trabajo, con la remuneración mensual, ambiente laboral y cumplimiento de las expectativas de los usuarios. Se identificó que el 30,8% de servidores públicos presentan condiciones sociolaborales y satisfacción del trabajo en un nivel bajo; 48% en un nivel medio y el 21,2% en un nivel alto.Tesi

    Relación entre calidad de servicio y satisfacción del usuario de complejos deportivos de la Municipalidad Provincial del Santa – Chimbote 2017

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    La presente investigación titulada “Relación entre la calidad del servicio y satisfacción del usuario de los complejos deportivos de la Municipalidad Provincial del Santa – Chimbote 2017”, fue llevada a cabo en la ciudad de Chimbote y solo se consideraron los complejos deportivos en uso, habida cuenta que existen veinticuatro y solo diecinueve fueron tomados en cuenta. El objetivo general fue establecer la relación entre calidad de servicio y satisfacción del usuario de los complejos deportivos de la Municipalidad Provincial del Santa – Chimbote 2017. La investigación consideró una población de 1160 usuarios, de los cuales se obtuvo una muestra de 289 usuarios. Los datos fueron recogidos por el autor en cada complejo deportivo y para ello inicialmente se calculó la muestra para cada complejo. Posteriormente se aplicaron dos cuestionarios, uno para cada variable que consistió en quince preguntas cada uno, luego los datos se procesaron y se llegó a determinar que el grado de relación entre calidad de servicio y satisfacción del usuario es fuerte y directamente positiva. Es decir, en la medida que la calidad del servicio se mejora fuertemente, la satisfacción del usuario también mejora en ese nivel, lográndose también la misma conclusión

    Condiciones de iluminación artificial en la sala de redacción de Tv Mundo para la mejora de la productividad

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    La presente investigación busca presentar una propuesta de solución para la mejora del flujo lumínico en la sala de redacción de Tv Mundo y en consecuencia elevar la productividad de los trabajadores de esta área de trabajo. Esta relación directa es respaldada con la revisión de la literatura internacional pues con la mejora de la iluminación se disminuyen las fallas por errores de escritura, mejoran los ciclos de trabajo y hacen que una empresa sea más competitiva. Se ha seguido una secuencia metodológica, se ha evidenciado que hay una necesidad de cambio para elevar el desempeño de los trabajadores pues no hay buen confort lumínico. Esto se refuerza con las mediciones del flujo lumínico pues en ningún puesto de trabajo se cumplen con los 500 lux que exige como mínimo la Norma Técnica Peruana EM.010. Con todos los datos recopilados, desde dimensiones, ubicación de mobiliario, colores, rugosidad de las paredes, entre otros, se ha utilizado el software DIALux para realizar la simulación y se ha definido que se debe utilizar 8 luminarias PHILIPS RC360B SRD W60L60 1 xLED34S/940 y se ha generado un plano se instalación, ya que solo así se logrará una disposición precisa que generará un confort lumínico que mejorará la productividad en dicha empresa televisiva.Trabajo de investigaciónCampus Arequip

    Propuesta para el fortalecimiento del plan de gestión integral de residuos sólidos en la empresa Palmas del Shanusi S.A

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    This research analyzes the impact of processes of participation of workers in company Shanusi Palms S.A., in the management of industrial so lid waste (RSI) between fienes from 2012 to 2013, seeking to identify which is the potential of these participatory processes to promote the involvement of the population of workers in the environmental policies of the company Shanusi palms. S.A. The results obtained from samples collected in this study have been confined in landfills by security and part of it is reused as organic fertilizer, which exposes to risks and effects of pollution so far, one ofthe main reasons for this situation is because it has no management tool to guide and help improve the management of the waste in their various stages of managementaddress this need, has developed technical guidelines to the management the rational environmental of industrial so lid waste both for generators as well as for operators of waste developed its operational activities in the collection, transportation and recycling basic activities. In the implementation of this proposal for the strengthening of the integrated waste management Plan in Palmas de Shanusi s.a., had very good results, so that industry Shanusi Palms S.A., it was possible to quantify the actual amount of its waste, which allowed to have recourse to develop minimization and management programs.This research analyzes the impact of processes of participation of workers in company Shanusi Palms S.A., in the management of industrial so lid waste (RSI) between fienes from 2012 to 2013, seeking to identify which is the potential of these participatory processes to promote the involvement of the population of workers in the environmental policies of the company Shanusi palms. S.A. The results obtained from samples collected in this study have been confined in landfills by security and part of it is reused as organic fertilizer, which girlfriends to risks and effects of pollution so far, one ofthe main reasons for this situation is because it has no management tool to guide and help improve the management of the waste in their various stages of managementaddress this need as for operators of waste developed its operational activities in the collection, has developed technical guidelines to the the rational of industrial environmental management so lid waste both for generators as well...Tesi

    Incorporation Of The Humanities Into The Field Of Physical Education: Analyzing Scoring Processes In Brazil Between 2007 And 2012

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    Este trabalho problematiza a posição ocupada pelas ciências humanas dentro do campo da Educação Física e questiona como se dão as relações entre o conhecimento próprio das humanidades, socialmente estabelecido e exposto em seus veículos de divulgação, e as interfaces com os objetos de pesquisa desta área em específico. O objetivo foi propor uma reflexão sobre o desenvolvimento científico, tendo como referencia concreta a interação entre a produção geral do campo da pesquisa em Educação Física e sua interação com objetos e metodologias originais do campo das ciências humanas. Para tal, é apresentada uma análise da relação entre o campo de pesquisa em Educação Física e sua apropriação de temas e métodos originais das ciências humanas. Foram organizados e categorizados artigos publicados por três importantes periódicos da área de Educação Física no Brasil, entre os anos de 2007 e 2012, de modo a subsidiar a discussão sobre a abrangência e utilização de referenciais das ciências humanas nesta área de conhecimento. Como conclusão, aponta-se que a compreensão da apropriação de temas e referenciais das ciências humanas pela Educação Física depende da observação de aspectos internos à própria área e suas disputas, como também de características específicas das ciências humanas e, por fim, da sociedade mais ampla que rodeia e interfere em todo o processo.30493794